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Publications on microbial systems

Urine production rate is critical in a model for catheter-associated urinary tract infection
F. Bull, S. Tavaddod, N. Bommer, M. Perry, C. A. Brackley and R. J. Allen
bioRxiv 10.1101/2022.10.31.514508

Spatial partitioning of a microbial population enhances collective enzymatic


N. Verdon*, O. Popescu*, S. Titmuss & R. J. Allen

bioRxiv 2024.03.20.585867

Bacterial aggregation triggered by low-level antibiotic-mediated lysis

S. Tavaddod, A. Dawson & R. J. Allen

bioRxiv 2023.11.11.566689

Surface versus volume synthesis governs growth-dependent efficacy of a β-lactam antibiotic

R. Brouwers*, L. Mancini*, S. Tavaddod*, J. Biboy, M. Mauri, E. Tatham, M.-L. Enghardt, A. Zander, P. Cicuta, W. Vollmer & R. J. Allen

bioRxiv 2024.01.31.578235

Distinct types of multicellular aggregates in Pseudomonas aeruginosa liquid cultures
G. Melaugh, V. A. Martinez, P. Baker, P. J. Hill, P. L. Howell, D. J. Wozniak and R. J. Allen
npj Biofilms & Microbiomes 9 52 (2023)
Active layer dynamics drives a transition to biofilm fingering
E. Young, G. Melaugh & R. J. Allen
npj Biofilms & Microbiomes 9 17 (2023)
A sluggish random walk with subdiffusive spread
A. Zodage, R. J. Allen, M. R. Evans & S. Majumdar
J. Stat. Mech. 033211 (2023)
Dynamic diatom-bacteria consortia in synthetic plankton communities 
Y. Deng, M. Mauri, M. Vallet, M. Staudinger, R. J. Allen and G. Pohnert
Appl. Env. Microbiol. 88 01619-22 (2022)
Model for quorum-sensing mediated stochastic biofilm formation
P. Sinclair, C. A. Brackley, M. Carballo-Pacheco and R. J. Allen
Physical Review Letters 129, 198102 (2022)
Reviewed in Nature Reviews Physics: "Fluctuating into a biofilm" by Zoe Budrikis (2022) 
Lineage dynamics in growing biofilms: spatial patterns of standing vs. de novo diversity 
E. Young and R. J. Allen
Frontiers in Microbiology 13 915095 (2022) 
Tracking the stochastic growth of bacterial populations in microfluidic droplets
Daniel Taylor, Nia Verdon, Peter Lomax, Rosalind J Allen and Simon Titmuss
Physical Biology 19, 026003 (2022)
A computational model for microbial colonisation of an antifouling surface
P. Sinclair, J. Longyear, K. Reynolds, A. A. Finnie, C. A. Brackley, M. Carballo-Pacheco and R. J. Allen
Frontiers in Microbiology 13 920014 (2022)

Amplification-free detection of SARS-CoV-2 using multi-valent binding
A. Roychoudhury, R. J. Allen, T. Curk, J. Farrell, G. McAllister, K. Templeton & T. T. Bachmann

ACS Sensors 7, 369203699 (2022)

Stability of beta-lactam antibiotics in bacterial growth media
R. Brouwers, H. Vass, A. Dawson, T. Squires & R. J. Allen
PLoS One 15, e0236198 (2020)

Predictable properties of fitness landscapes induced by adaptational tradeoffs

S. G. Das, S. O. L. Direito, B. Waclaw, R. J.  Allen & J. Krug

eLife 9, e55155 (2020)

Phenotypic delay in the evolution of bacterial antibiotic resistance: Mechanistic models and their implications.

M. Carballo-Pacheco, M. D. Nicholson, E. Lilja, R. J. Allen & B. Waclaw

PLoS Computational Biology 16, e1007930 (2020)

A roadblock-and-kill mechanism for the action of the DNA-targeting antibiotic ciprofloxacin.

N. Ojkic, E. Lilja, S. Direito, A. Dawson, R. J. Allen & B. Waclaw

Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 64, e02487-19 (2020)

Computational design of probes to detect bacterial genomes by multivalent binding

T. Curk, C. A. Brackley, J. D. Farrell, Z. Xing, D. Joshi, S. Direito, U. Bren, S. Angioletti-Uberti, J. Dobnikar,  E. Eiser, D. Frenkel and R. J. Allen 

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 117 (16) 8719-8726 (2020)

Staff and patient perceptions of a community urinary catheter service

F. Oswald, E. Young, F. Denison, R. J. Allen & M. Perry

International Journal of Urological Nursing 1-9 (2020)

Growth-dependent drug susceptibility can prevent or enhance spatial expansion of a bacterial population
P. Sinclair, M. Carballo Pacheco* and R. J. Allen*
Physical Biology 16, 046001 (2019)
Resource spectrum engineering by specialist species can shift the specialist-generalist balance
C. G. Mills, R. J. Allen* and R. A. Blythe* 
Theoretical Ecology 13, 1-15 (2019)
Bacterial growth: a statistical physicist's guide
R. J. Allen and B. Waclaw
Reports on Progress in Physics  82, 016601 (2019)
A simulation study of aggregation mediated by production of cohesive molecules
G. Melaugh, D. Marenduzzo, A. Morozov and R. J. Allen 
Soft Matter 15, 9120 (2019)
Oxic-anoxic regime shifts induced by biogeochemical feedbacks in microbial communities
T. Bush, M. Diao, R. J. Allen, R. Sinnige, G. Muyzer and J. Huisman 
Nature Communications 8, 789 (2017)
Assembly of microbial communities in replicate nutrient-cycling model ecosystems follows divergent trajectories, leading to alternate stable states
E. Pagaling, K. Vassileva, C. G. Mills, T. Bush, R. A. Blythe, J. Schwarz-Linek, F. Strathdee, R. J. Allen and A. Free 
Environmental Microbiology 19: 3374–3386 (2017)
The Pseudomonas aeruginosa polysaccharide PSL is a social but non-cheatable trait in biofilms
Y. Irie, A. Roberts, K. Kragh, V. Gordon, J. Hutchison, R. Allen, G. Melaugh, T. Bjarnsholt, S. West and S. Diggle
mBio 8, e00374-17 (2017)
P. Greulich, J. Dolezal, M. Scott, M. R. Evans & R. J. Allen
Predicting the dynamics of bacterial growth inhibition by ribosome-targeting antibiotics
Physical Biology 14, 6 (2017)
Challenges in microbial ecology: building predictive understanding of community function and dynamics

​​​S. Widder, R. J. Allen et al.

ISME Journal 10, 2557-2568 (2016)​​​
Role of multicellular aggregates in biofilm formation
K. Kragh*, J. Hutchison*, G. Melaugh*, C. Rodesney, A. Roberts, Y. Irie, P. Jensen, S. Diggle, R. J. Allen**, V. D. Gordon** and T. Bjarnsholt** 
mBio 7, e00237-16 (2016)
Shaping the growth behaviour of biofilms initiated from bacterial aggregates

G. Melaugh, J. Hutchison, K. Kragh, Y. Irie, A. Roberts, T. Bjarnsholt, S. Diggle, V. Gordon and R. J. Allen

Plos One 11, e0149683 (2016)
Redox regime shifts in microbially-mediated biogeochemical cycles
T. Bush, T. B. Butler, A. Free and R. J. Allen 
Biogeosciences 12, 3717-3724 (2015)
Competition for space during bacterial colonisation of a surface
D. P. Lloyd and R. J. Allen 
J. R. Soc. Interface 12, 20150608 (2015)
P. Greulich*, M. Scott*, M. R. Evans & R. J. Allen

Growth-dependent susceptibility to ribosome-targeting antibiotics

Molecular Systems Biology 11, 796 (2015)

S. J. Court, B. Waclaw* & R. J. Allen*

Lower glycolysis carries a higher flux than any biochemically possible alternative

Nature Communications 6, 8427 (2015)

The role of mechanical forces in the planar-to-bulk transition in growing Escherichia coli microcolonies

​​​M. A. A. Grant, B. Waclaw, R. J. Allen and P. Cicuta 

J. R. Soc. Interface 11, 20140400 (2014)
Speed of invasion of an expanding population by a horizontally-transmitted trait

J. Venegas-Ortiz, R. J. Allen* and M. R. Evans* 

Genetics 196, 497-507 (2014) 
Parasites on parasites: coupled fluctuations in stacked contact processes

S. J. Court, R. A. Blythe and R. J. Allen 

Europhys. Lett. 101, 50001 (2013)
Selection history affects the predictability of microbial ecosystem development​​
E. Pagaling, F. Strathdee, B. Spears, M. E. Cates, R. J. Allen* and A. Free* 
ISME J. 8, 19-30 (2013) 

S. L. Black, A. Dawson, F. B. Ward & R. J. Allen

Genes required for growth at high hydrostatic pressure in Escherichia coli identified by genome-wide screening

Plos One 8, e73995 (2013)

Mutational pathway determines whether drug gradients accelerate evolution of drug-resistant cells

P. Greulich*, B. Waclaw* and R. J. Allen 

Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 088101 (2012) (*=equal contribution)
Selected as editor's choice and featured in a viewpoint article "Bacteria Evolve to Go Against the Grain" by Oskar Hallatschek, Physics 5, 93 (2012)
Oscillating microbial dynamics driven by small populations, limited nutrient supply and high death rates
B. S. Khatri, A. Free and R. J. Allen 
J. Theor. Biol. 314, 120-129 (2012)

A mixed population of competing TASEPs with a shared reservoir.

P. Greulich, L. Ciandrini, R. J. Allen* & M. C. Romano*

Physical Review E 85, 011142 (2012)

Effects of macromolecular crowding on genetic networks
M. J. Morelli, R. J. Allen & P. R. ten Wolde
Biophysical Journal 101, 2882 (2011)
Switching and growth for microbial populations in catastrophic responsive environments

P. Visco, R. J. Allen, S. Majumdar and M. R. Evans 

Biophys. J. 98, 1099-1108 (2010)
Dynamical phase transition in a model for evolution with migration

B. Waclaw, R. J. Allen and M. R. Evans 

Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 268101 (2010)
A multi-purpose modular system for high-resolution microscopy at
high hydrostatic pressure
H. Vass, S. L. Black, E. M. Herzig, F. B. Ward, P. S. Clegg & R. J. Allen
Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 053710 (2010)
Non-equilibrium dynamics of an active colloidal “chucker”
C. Valeriani, R. J. Allen* & D. Marenduzzo*
Journal of Chemical Physics 132, 204904 (2010)

DNA looping provides stability and robustness to the bacteriophage lambda genetic switch.
M. J. Morelli, P. R. ten Wolde & R. J. Allen
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106, 8101 (2009)
Statistical physics of a model binary genetic switch with linear feedback.
P. Visco, R. J. Allen & M. R. Evans
Physical Review E 79, 031923 (2009)
Exact solution of a model DNA-inversion genetic switch with orientational control
P. Visco, R. J. Allen & M. R. Evans
Physical Review Letters 101, 118104 (2008)
Reaction coordinates for the flipping of genetic switches
M. J. Morelli, S. Tanase-Nicola, R. J. Allen & P. R. ten Wolde
Biophysical Journal 94, 3413 (2008)
Eliminating fast reactions in stochastic simulations of biochemical networks: A bistable genetic switch
M. J. Morelli, R. J. Allen, S. Tanase-Nicola & P. R. ten Wolde
Journal of Chemical Physics 128, 045105 (2008)
R. J. Allen, P. B. Warren & P. R. ten Wolde
Sampling rare switching events in biochemical networks
Physical Review Letters 94, 018104 (2005)
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